Monday, December 28, 2015

The nervousness and embarrassment of having a crush...

My heartbeat pounding in my ears
You standing there- so close, so near

Guilt of half an effort made
Tells me to hug you- so the guilt will fade

And so I do, where all can see
Because I care, of you and me

And then I stumble, I fall, we laugh
And then I fumble,
My heartbeat making, an unseemly graph

My cheeks still hot, I bid farewell
I step outside, and my spirits fail

But still I walk, my heartbeat pounds
Because I'm okay, yet I still feel down.

Friday, December 4, 2015


So, I finally went back and really looked at what I wrote this NaNoWriMo...  And though the statement, that I really like what I wrote, still stands- there's a half a million issues.  Which, it's a first draft, so this is okay!
With the plot I've gone with in this story, it's going to end up being around 40,000 (?) words.  I've been told this is much to long to be considered a short story, so I guess I'm going to have to go with novelette.  Moving on from word count though...
I basically, have a first draft actually.  A skeletal ghost of a story.  Plot needs work, characters need beefing up, backstories need gone more into, secondary characters need to be more rounded (flat secondary characters annoy me), and my love interest... Lol, well- my main character honestly knows nothing about him.  In turn, I don't either.

Basically, this is gonna be a whole lot of fun.  *sarcasm slightly intended*
I'm actually really excited though, to work on this and make it what it has the potential to be.  Lots of love you guys!
xx Kanaya

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Green, black, centered title and description...

Changed the look completely, how do ya like it?
Sooo... the OCD in me kicked in, and the off center blog title and description was driving me absolutely nuts.  I hated it.  So, I looked up, 'how to center blog description and title in blogger', and came to this wonderful article that told me exactly how to do so!  I was a very happy person :D
Well, it's almost 2 in the am, in my universe.  Hope ya'll are doing great!
xx Kanaya

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Soooo... Now that NaNoWriMo is over...

Now that NaNoWriMo 2015 is over, I'm going to continue blogging about writing (maybe give some tidbits that I wrote during NaNo?).  Sooo...  more blogging!  And, since my blog is very... NaNoWriMo oriented looking, I will be giving it a makeover :)  So, fun fun fun.  
We'll talk to you guys later!  
xx Kanaya

NaNoWriMo 2015 is officially over!

NaNoWriMo 2k15 has officially come to an end, and it was a good run :)  This was my first time participating in NaNoWriMo, and I loved it all. 
I finished with a grand total of 27,839 words!
I loved the atmosphere of the site and the forums, and all of the people that were a part.  I love what they're promoting, and I hope that everyone who held on till now loved their experience also.  
My story is far from 50,000 words, and far from completed.  But I plan on fixing that (:   Whether it be in the next few months that I finish the first draft, or during next summer, I do plan on continuing what I've started.
The hardest part of writing for me, is getting it out there, excepting it's absolute garbage, and moving on (until later).  That's where it all has to begin- because if you don't get the first draft out there, the final one will surely never come.  
I'm wishing you guys the best.
Lots of love,
    Kanaya x

Sunday, November 29, 2015


I passed 25k!  And it makes me happy :)  
Maybe I'll get to 30k?  That'd be 1,000 a day... (on average, obv.)

Hope you guys are all doing well!
xx Kanaya

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Not going to make it... but I'm still happy

Sooooo... 2 more days till NaNoWriMo is officially over!  Aaand.... I will not be one of the thousands of winners this year :(  I'm still happy though, with what I've gotten, and what I've done.  I have over 20k words that I couldn't have even imagined having before.  I have these characters who I've grown to love, and this plot- that despite it's holes and rip and tears, I'd like to see how it pans out.  So, I didn't finish my first draft this November.  But-  I started something, that I DO plan on finishing  :)

Lots of love you guys.  I hope ya'll are happy where you're at.
Wishing you the best in all endeavors you may take upon yourself,

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Fangirling over here...

So... My characters officially need to kiss.  Like- right now.
Except, I'm like, the author.   So... *gasp*  I HAVE THE POWER  *que He-Man gif, I'll go find later*


Soooo...  Believe it or not, I'm extremely determined.  Which means I'm writing over 4k a day to finish November with 50k words!  So far today I only have a little over 2k, as I've had school all day, but I'm hoping tonight to get some major writing done!
Wish me luck!  I hope you guys are all doing well!
xx Kanaya

Friday, November 20, 2015

Day 20! Returning from MIA! 10 days left!

Been validating your word count yet!?
I haven't...  I've been kind of MIA actually.  My family decided to go on a last minute road trip- which has meant no internet, and in my case- no writing (car sickness, driving, ect.).  We have finally arrived at our destination though, so I am planning on getting some major writing done!  I'm super excited (again!), and can't wait to get back to writing!
Lots of love you guys!
Wish me luck!  (I need it.)
xx Kanaya

Monday, November 16, 2015

Things. Have. Been. Nuts.

Things. Have. Been. Nuts.
My characters are... I don't even know.  I think I'm going to have to rewrite the last bit of my story, because it honestly is just taking a really weird turn.
And I have a friend who really wants to read my story when I finish it?  I'm not sure... On one hand I want someone to read it.  But I'm pretty close to this person, and my story's weird (lol).

Alright, enough about me.  How have ya'll been?
Comment down below?

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Day 14

It's day 14 peopleos!
It's dreary outside, my candle is burning, aaand... I've been thrift shop hoping all day *looks around sheepishly*
Finally getting some time to set my rear end in the chair, and I'm planning on getting some major writing done!  I've been going pretty strong the past few days, and it feels great.  I'm hoping I can stay on my game!  And yes, I am still pretty behind, but I like my story, and I like what's happening... So... I'm all good :)

Wishing you guys all luck!  Hope everything's going good in your universe!  If not, hang in there.  I believe in you.
Lots of lovin',

Friday, November 13, 2015

Film scores, people. Film scores.

I never used to listen to anything when I wrote- prefered silence (though it is often hard to come by), but just last night I started listening to music. And this morning I tried to, but with the point I was at with my story, the words were just distracting me.  So, I pressed Film Scores on my Pandora.
Walla!  1.3k words later!  I'm very happy :D
Lots of love you guys!  Hope everything's going well!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Passed 13k!

I'm not sure you guys understand how pumped I am about this!  I've passed 13k in my word count, and today alone I've written over 5k words :D  Which is amazing for me considering I've written just as many days as I haven't.
I hope everyone else is doing great, and if not, hang in there!  I have faith in you!
Lots of love you guys!
xx Kanaya

Word Sprints!

So, I'd never done word sprints before.  I created a Twitter at the beginning of October, specifically for NaNoWriMo, but I never got on it.  Last night though, I decided to give it a go.  With three different word sprints, I got over 3,000 words in less than an hour.  I was so happy for myself, and I have officially decided that Word Sprints are the bomb.
If you are having some trouble with your word count, I highly suggest giving the Twitter or forum word sprints a try.  Even if you don't think you'll like them- it's not going to hurt to try (:
Wishing you all the best of luck!
xx Kanaya


I reached 10k!  Yes, it's day 12, and yes my word count should be almost double what it is, but I reached 10k and I am pumped!

Friday, November 6, 2015


Yikes!  It's been to long my friends.
Well, I'm currently majorly behind.  But today is #doubleupday!   I'm going to use it as an extra little boost and work to double my current word count (:
Enough about me though!  Let's move to another topic :  WRITING BUDDIES

How many people did I talk to over NaNoMail before NaNoWriMo began? 6.  Six people that I discussed and visited with about NaNo, NaNoprep, different ideas- and guess how many I've talk to since NaNoWriMo began?  1.  One person stuck around!  She is pretty bomb though :)  I've decided that we shall be the best of friends (I feel like I'm quoting something?  But I actually have no clue.)  Seriously though, having a writing buddy who is actually there, who will have a visit when you're feeling down, or your word count needs some MAJOR help.
Writing buddies are encouraging.  And if you have yet to find one, or haven't even tried to get one yet, I suggest you do.  There are forums in your genre, in your age group, and in the main NaNoWriMo reaching 50,000 thread.  I suggest you give them a look.  And hey, there's nothing wrong with randomly shooting a message to some random person that you think has a cool bio.  Just go for it (:

Wishing you all the best of luck!
xx Kanaya

Monday, November 2, 2015

Small update

Finally got 10 minutes to sit and write for a moment!  260 words in less than 10 minutes- I've finally begun, and I love it.

Day 2!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, we're off!
It is officially day two of NaNoWriMo, and I officially have 0 words written!  Boo :(
I hope ya'll are going stronger than me.
Yesterday was a mess of waking up early, going to church, a family birthday, and a shindig over at my friends house (which resulted in me not getting home till well past eleven).  I'm hoping to get over 3,000 words today, as besides school, I have no other prior arrangements  (:

I hope everything is going well with you guys!

Saturday, October 31, 2015

October 31st

Guys!  One more day!  Actually like, half- but technicalities.
You guys ready?  I'm not.  Pantsing more then maybe I should be, but I'm still hoping to get through with all ya'll.
Things have been nuts!  As I'm sure they are with everyone else too.  I've got six major assignments due at midnight tonight- and guess how many I have done?  2.  Two measly assignments.  My goodness. I'm hoping to pull the others off in the next few hours, because I'm supposed to busy with other things (Halloween x.x :D ).   But- we'll see.
Wishing you the best in your endeavours!
xx Kanaya

Thursday, October 29, 2015

NaNo Playlists?

Okay, so...
NaNo Playlists.  Seems like everyone's got them- except for me.  In all honesty, working in complete silence is usually my jam.  Then again, I'm not usually sitting down and just- writing.
So I've decided to try something different.  I'm going to create a few playlists, probably a soundtrack that reminds me solely of my novel, a 'soundtrack' (movie background music) playlist, and some heavy duty rock/alternative.  I'll probably create more.  But those three are the one's I've already been mentally compiling.  My plan is that by the end of NaNoWriMo, I'll have an actual 'Writing Playlist', and also a soundtrack for the first draft of my novel!  So, we'll see!  Wish me luck!
NaNoWriMo is officially only 2 1/2 days away!  I hope everyone's armed and ready!

Wishing you the best :)

Monday, October 26, 2015

4 more days!

Oh my!  It's getting so close!

The coast was a blast!

And yes, this picture I took seems to have nothing to do with anything, but I rather liked it.

And... I don't have much to update you on...   Except for the obvious fact that NaNoWriMo starts in four more days!  Yikes!  It's getting so close, and I'm still not caught up in school >.<   Oh well.

I've (re)discovered the song I've decided to base my secondary main character off of.  Isn't that kind of backwards, you ask?  Uh... *cough* *cough* *pantser* *cough*
Jason/Jamie/Devlon/Whateverhisnameis's Song

Alrighty, enough of that.  I hope everything is going well with you!  4 more days till NaNoWriMo starts!!!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

9 more days!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It's getting so close!

Personally, I haven't done much more planning since I last posted.  I've had work, my school is slowly falling behind cause we've been busy >.<  and... yep.  That's pretty much it.
This weekend I'm going to the coast!  So that's exciting.  When I get back, there will officially only be a week left till NaNoWriMo!

Alright, enough insanity ;)
Did anyone see that Kristina Horner put up a NaNoWriMo Tag video?  Yep.  Go watch it.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Survival is Key

NaNo is drawing near!   12 more days until November 1st!

In the meantime, here's my survival kit >.<

Kanayas National Novel Writing Month Survival Kit

  1. My chromebook (which is actually my schools)
  2. Google Drive
  3. My little notebook
  4. Clicky pens
  5. NaNoBuddies/Forums!!!!!  (Should probably be higher on the list ;)
  6. Another notebook
  7. Character sheets
  8. Cold Drinks
  9. Wool Socks O.O
  10. Comfy cloths (exa. Hufflepuff sweatpants, T-shirt, sweater, said wool socks)
  11. Another notebook
  12. CANDY (Ima be fat, 'cept not really)
  13. Harry Potter (because for some reason I felt the need to add that just now?)
-and I'm sure I'll think of more as November draws near!  For now though I'll leave it as it is!
Hope everyone is excited!  See you on November 1st!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Random list and links links links

Hey hey!

I'm getting inspired!  Still going the pantser route!  But, I am getting much much inspiration!

-America Disney
-'love interest who is currently nameless'
-alcohol issues
-coffee shop
-road trip?
-main character death?  <-----  toying with this idea, buuuuuut it's probably gonna get VETOED
-death in general  <--------  Yep, more I think about it, the more I'm probably just going to avoid...

Okay.  Done with my list for the moment.  Let's move on to something else!  I've been looking all over youtube and been trying to find different NaNoWriMo videos and vlogs, and through this I have found some that I love and am going to share!
            Here we go...

Everyday in the month of November!  MagicCatJenny
More of those by                                Kristina Horner
I love these videos, and I found this so inspiring to watch (for some reason).  It's just really cool to watch and see these people and their word counts and in December I will definitely be looking to see of anyone put them up from this year!  If you like longer vlogs that go into more detail Katytastic has some great ones, if you go to her playlist you should be able to find them.  There's LittleBookOwl  :)   I also love Elizabeth Writes videos and would highly suggest you go check them out!

Some genral info, from Little Book Owl,

And here are some other random NaNo videos...

NaNo survival kits...
Sarah Sunbeemz
Little Book Owl

Aaaaaaaannnnnnd...  I'm done for now :)  Hopefully you'll check some of the videos out, there's many more on youtube, but I've just compiled some of the ones I really enjoyed.   Good luck to everyone!
It's October 15th! Just 16 (17?) more days to go!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

NaNoWriMo 2k15!

                      Exciting exciting!  I will officially be participating in this years NaNoWriMo.  What is NaNoWriMo, you may be asking?  NaNoWriMo = National Novel Writing Month.  In which millions of people attempt to write 50,000 words in 30 days.  Sounds crazy, huh.  This wonderful event takes place through the month of November, and has been 1999.  -Except I think they actually had the first NaNoWriMo in July...  but anyway =)
All in all NaNo is pretty bomb.  I tried participating once, but pretty much after 2k words I threw in the towel.  I didn't really know what I was getting in to, and I really didn't have the drive or the desire to finish through.  This year though, is different.
1.  I've been lurking about for a year, checking in on stuff every once in awhile- whenever I think of it.
2.  I discovered the forums.  Let me tell you- the Forums.  Please everyone, take advantage.
3.  Writing buddies.  In which basically you can send messages through the NaNoWriMo site and 'buddy' people, and just pretty have people to visit with and... if you don't exactly want the one on one with peeps- the forums.
4.  The forums.
5.  Watching old NaNoVlogs on youtube.
6.  The forums

Yep!  Sounds about right for now!
Here's a link to John Greens (albeit ancient) video on NaNoWriMo :)
And I'll have some other links up next post- including some of the said NaNoVlogs  (:

My page (profile?):