Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Write for you.

Lately I keep seeing all of these things about how when you are writing, you need to think about the reader and what they would like to see.  Write for the reader, write to the reader, write what the reader will love.  Honestly, none of those are bad things- but in the articles I have been reading, that have had these as their main points- they always tend to forget that you need to remember to write, because you love it.  Because, I can guarantee, that if you don't love what you're writing, neither will your readers.
Reading novels, and short stories, poems, and drabbles- I enjoy when I am reading, and I can tell that the writer loved what they were writing.  They were passionate about what they were writing.  The words and sentences and pages I am turning, are a piece of the author who put those words on the pages.
And so please remember, to write because you love it- to write because your fingers itch for the pen, because your mind can't handle not putting the words onto the paper- because that one idea that keeps scratching at the back of your mind is just begging to be let out.  Love what you write, write what you love... write for you.

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